About Paint the State
Paint the State is a program of the Montana Meth Project. Initially launched in 2006, this statewide public art contest leverages the creativity and passion of Montanans to communicate the risks of Methamphetamine use. Hundreds of monument-sized public works of art have been created in all corners of the state with the “Not Even Once” message.
Following the contest, first-time teen Meth use dropped significantly as reported by the Montana Office of Public Instruction using CDC data.

Unfortunately, Meth continues to threaten lives and Montana communities. Today, Meth is more available and more addictive than ever before. Meth addiction destroys lives, families, and communities. It is Montana law enforcement’s No. 1 problem, according to the Missouri River Drug Task Force.
The 2023 Paint the State contest aims to:
BUILD awareness of the Meth problem in our state. -
ENGAGE Montanans (13+ years old) in positive community outreach. -
SPARK peer-to-peer dialogue about the risks of Meth and other drug use. -
CREATE lasting works of art that inspire Montanans to live vibrant, drug-free lives. -
DRIVE the reduction of Meth use and save lives.
About the Montana Meth Project
The Montana Meth Project was founded in 2005 with the mission to reduce first-time teen Meth use. Through public service messaging and community outreach programs, the Meth Project arms Montanans with the facts about Meth. The nonprofit remains the only organization in the state solely charged with reducing Meth use. Learn More
The Meth Threat
Meth destroys the body and can cause rotting teeth and gums, organ failure, heart attack, and stroke. Meth use also drastically changes the brain and can lead to depression, paranoia, violent behavior, and other serious mental disorders.
Montana teens who engage in Meth use are more likely to have: Source: Montana Office of Public Instruction 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey using CDC data
- Carried a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club on school property.
- Not gone to school because they felt unsafe at school or on their way to or from school.
- Been physically forced to have sexual intercourse.
- Been electronically bullied and/or been bullied on school property.
- Felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for 2 or more weeks that they stopped doing their usual activities.
- Attempted suicide during the past 12 months.
Contact Us
Gail Maehl, Paint the State Project Manager
Montana Meth Project
P.O. Box 8944
Missoula, MT 59807