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Title: Before Meth...
Artist(s): Maddy Young
DIVISION: Teen - Southwest Montana
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Affiliation: Lima High School

Artist(s): Maddy Young

Description / Inspiration: The full title of my project is ""Before meth I saw a mother, now I see a monster"". It shows a woman looking into a mirror, but the reflection looking back at her is a monster. I also added a dark smoky edge over the pink walls to depict how drug abuse eats away and darkens an otherwise normal life.

My inspiration for this piece is definitely a personal one. I have seen what drug abuse does to people and their families. My mother was a drug addict and in and out of jail for the majority of my life, so the depiction of a mother becoming a monster really speaks to me. I hope this sends a powerful message to people about the effects of drug abuse on individuals and families.

My art teacher and I threw some ideas around and landed on looking into a mirror as the main imagery because it makes the artwork feel more personal. Additionally, a mirror conveys they way we see ourselves and the way others see us.

I used sheets of plywood and 2x4's to frame it out. I then used acrylic paint for the artwork itself and covered it with a thick layer of sealant.

Overall this project means a lot to me and I hope it has an impact on everyone that sees it.

County: Beaverhead

Location: On the east side of Interstate 15, less than 1/4 mile from the northbound onramp in Lima. It can be seen by anyone headed north on I-15 from the Idaho/ Montana border as well as anyone getting on I-15 North from Lima. View on map

Thank Yous: I would like to thank Beaverhead Home Center in Dillon, MT for donating the lumber necessary for completing the project.