Artist(s): Maleesha Kovnesky
Description / Inspiration: This 8x16' mural depicts two outcomes based on whether a Montanan dives down the road to meth use and addiction, or chooses the path to a clean life. The left side depicts clean mountain air and enjoyment of a Montana river; the right hand side shows the literal hell that addiction is. The mountains, river, and person exist on both sides in a kind of mirror image, but the lifestyle depicted in each side could not be more different.
Materials used for this mural include a base of four 4x8 sheets of basic plywood, acrylic paint, and vinyl lettering in the same font for the phrases "Montana Meth Project," "Meth: Not Even Once," and "Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean You."
There are few people lucky enough to say they have never witnessed, lived with, or experienced addiction. When I read about the Paint the State contest subject matter, the "mirror image" idea flashed in my mind. I did a quick sketch of it on paper, took some measurements, and constructed this small mural. The end result is nearly identical to the original idea that popped into my head when I read about the contest.
County: Gallatin
Location: Along I-90 in Three Forks, on the south side of Wheat Montana visible from the interstate. View on map
Thank Yous: Many thanks to Alex Peterson for helping me acquire the plywood, and for assisting with the installation.
Eternal thanks to my dad Mitch Kovnesky for his endless support and for the creativity I inherited.