Affiliation: Reed Point High School
Team Leader: Jessica Haldenwanger
Artist(s): Scarlet Hertweck and Allana Holderman
Description / Inspiration: This artwork is a wooden cutout, painted with acrylic paint . When we were designing our image we decided we wanted it to match its location, We wanted to place this work in an area that will reach a large audience but that would also be impactful. The location we chose is on the side of I-90, directly next to the local cemetery. The main image is of a gaunt human figure, digging a grave. The head stone reads “meth, you’re digging your own grave”. We wanted to make this work simple yet haunting, in a way that it could depict anyone. The image coupled with its proximity to a real cemetery creates an eerie reality. Drug use is a problem and sadly can result in death, we wanted to show the gravity of a persons choice and hopefully prevent someone from a terrible fate.
County: Stillwater
Location: On the south side of I-90 just after mile marker 391. The work is fixed to a corner fence post, on the east side of the cemetery, at the end of hump creek road. View on map
Thank Yous: The property owner, for allowing us to install it, especially so last minute.