Affiliation: Shelby High School
Team Leader: Enrique Guemez
Artist(s): Cameron Blevins, Alexia Bohman and Adele Lamb
Description / Inspiration: Choose life is a mural created to show the dangers of meth, and the benefits of a life meth free. The “Meth monster” is depicted as a puppeteer controlling the life of the addict, which is clearly on the darker side of the mural. The monster is meant to be a scary image showing the downsides of meth and its detrimental effects. The other figure on the light side of the mural represents freedom and hope and the life you can lead when meth does not control you.
County: Toole
Location: 1450 W Roosevelt Hwy, Shelby, MT View on map
Thank Yous: Shelby High School for their support for this project.